The primary objective of the Quality Management System of CZORA spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka komandytowa (limited liability company limited partnership) with its registered office in Opole comprising:
is to meet customer requirements and expectations as well as legal regulations and applicable standards.
This Quality Policy is known, understood and accepted by all staff, and the Integrated Management System Supervisor is responsible for its implementation.
We commit ourselves to:
By establishing an Environmental Management System, we aim to conduct the activities in our company with particular care for the environment.
The primary objective of the Environmental Management System of CZORA spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka komandytowa (limited liability company limited partnership) with its registered office in Opole comprising of:
– welding (robotised and manual MIG/MAG, TIG),
– mechanical metalworking (machining, plastic, thermal),
– chemical metalworking (alkaline electroplating),
is to reduce the negative impact of the company’s activities on the environment in terms of:
– emissions of dust and gases into the air,
– noise emissions,
– generation of waste,
– generation of waste water,
– introduction of new packaging.
We commit to:
– to maintain and continuously improve environmental management methods,
– to meet current and future legal requirements regarding our environmental aspects,
– to include modern environmental protection technologies in the implementation of new production processes and the modernisation of existing ones,
– to carry out rational waste management and minimise the consumption of natural resources,
– to ensure the rational use of chemical substances and their continuous monitoring in production processes with regard to possible failures and their impact on the environment,
– to ensure the recovery and recycling of packaging and to conduct public education campaigns,
– to systematically assess the effect of environmental activities.
We will carry out our activities on the basis of a continuously improved, Environmental Management System in accordance with the requirements of EN ISO 14001:2015-09P Environmental management systems – Requirements and application guidelines, which is part of an Integrated Management System.
This Environmental Policy is known, understood and accepted by all staff and the Integrated Management System Supervisor is responsible for its implementation.
CZORA SP Z OO SP K has earned a Bronze Medal, a recognition awarded to the Top 35% of companies assessed by EcoVadis in the 12 months prior to the medal issue date. It reflects the quality of the company’s sustainability management system and demonstrates a commitment to promoting transparency throughout the value chain.
EcoVadis is recognized globally for trusted business sustainability ratings.
EcoVadis medals and badges recognize companies that have completed the EcoVadis assessment process and demonstrated a relatively strong management system that addresses sustainability criteria, as outlined in the EcoVadis methodology.